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by lswot » Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:44 am
Henry J wrote:Okay, but who's gonna clean that up?

The elves of darkness?
Henry J wrote:Anyhoo, the goal of physicists is to find one set of rules that covers all the forces. They've already merged electric and magnetic into one such, then later merged the weak force with that. I'm not sure if quark color force (and no I don't mean the big eared bartender) has been fully merged with electroweak or not. Gravity is still a (or the?) big standout, of course.
Oh....ok.....that helps.

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
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by Xjmt » Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:06 pm
Henry J wrote:Anyhoo, the goal of physicists is to find one set of rules that covers all the forces. They've already merged electric and magnetic into one such, then later merged the weak force with that. I'm not sure if quark color force (and no I don't mean the big eared bartender) has been fully merged with electroweak or not. Gravity is still a (or the?) big standout, of course.
Then, as the commercial says, there's that whole time/continuum thing.

Henry J - Tv Watcher

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by Henry J » Tue Aug 31, 2004 2:28 pm
Continuum? Nah, let's leave Q out of this.
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by Xjmt » Tue Aug 31, 2004 5:08 pm
Henry J wrote:Continuum? Nah, let's leave Q out of this.

Henry J - Tv Watcher

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by Henry J » Wed Sep 01, 2004 7:11 am
Quark Study Breaks Logjam Between Theory, Experiment University of Chicago scientists have solved a 20-year-old puzzle in particle physics using data from an experiment conducted for an entirely different purpose.
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by lswot » Wed Sep 01, 2004 2:46 pm

If it doesn't work in one area try some place else? If at first you don't suceed don't give up try it on something else? Never say's gotta work on something?

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
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by Xjmt » Thu Sep 02, 2004 6:07 am
Well they say that even the Post-It Notes came about as a result of an experiment for something else.

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by lswot » Thu Sep 02, 2004 10:51 am
Xjmt wrote:Well they say that even the Post-It Notes came about as a result of an experiment for something else.

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Henry J - Tv Watcher

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by Henry J » Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:56 am
Probable Discovery Of A New, Supersolid, Phase Of Matter n the Friday 3 September 2004 issue of Science Express, two physicists from Penn State University will announce new experimental evidence for the existence of a new phase of matter, a "supersolid" form of helium-4 with the extraordinary frictionless-flow properties of a superfluid.
(Okay, but does this superfluid have an alter-ego?)
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by lswot » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:26 am
Henry J wrote:Probable Discovery Of A New, Supersolid, Phase Of Matter n the Friday 3 September 2004 issue of Science Express, two physicists from Penn State University will announce new experimental evidence for the existence of a new phase of matter, a "supersolid" form of helium-4 with the extraordinary frictionless-flow properties of a superfluid.
Sounds like a lot of hot air.......

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Henry J - Tv Watcher

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by Henry J » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:30 am
Hot air? This stuff only forms so close to absolute zero that everything but H and He is solid... BRRR!
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by lswot » Wed Sep 08, 2004 10:35 am
Henry J wrote:Hot air? This stuff only forms so close to absolute zero that everything but H and He is solid... BRRR!
OH! THAT Helium!

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
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by lswot » Fri Sep 10, 2004 10:31 am
A Friend sent me this:
Glass breakthrough
11 August 2004
Scientists in the US have developed a novel technique to make bulk quantities of glass from alumina for the first time. Anatoly Rosenflanz and colleagues at 3M in Minnesota used a "flame-spray" technique to alloy alumina (aluminium oxide) with rare-earth metal oxides to produce strong glass with good optical properties. The method avoids many of the problems encountered in conventional glass forming and could, say the team, be extended to other oxides (A Rosenflanz et al. 2004 Nature 430 761).
He got it from:
As he put it.....Scotty did it first!
ps: if this was discussed before....well, here it is, again!

eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......
Henry J - Tv Watcher

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by Henry J » Fri Sep 10, 2004 11:15 am
Transparent aluminum? Give that man a helicopter ride!

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by lswot » Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:46 am
Henry J wrote:Transparent aluminum? Give that man a helicopter ride!


eccl 2:13
"A Government big enough to give you every thing you want, is big enough to take away every thing you have."
......Thomas Jefferson......